The Singapore Family Physician

Back to issue Vol 51 No. 1 - Extended Consultation


Cheong Pak Yean
The Singapore Family Physician Vol 51 No 1 - Extended Consultation
18 - 22
10 January 2025
Formulation also called Conceptualisation and consists of a series of short phrases structured to represent the psycho-social aspects of a clinical experience. They represent the salient data obtained using the extension of the clinical methods of history, physical examination and laboratory investigation. The clinical method of history is extended by using tools of genogram /time-line, the physical examination by psychosocial examination using tools to evoke the M.I.N.D. and by laboratory investigations using Socratic questioning tools of CAR-ACE. There are at least three ways in which the information in the formulation can be structured namely by: • Reason for Encounter (RFE) by summarising the predisposing, precipitating, perpetuating and the protective aspects; • Complex or chaotic clinical situations using S-BAR, (Summary, Background, Assessment & Recommendation); and • Psycho-social subsystems using R.O.A.D.S., to represent the Relationship, Ordering, Agency, Development and Self/family identity of the living organism in homeostasis as members of an organised group or within the person, seen through lenses and filters. The formulation may be used de novo or to augment the diagnoses before management.